Restaurant complex “Atlas”with 3D mapping opens doors for people of Plovdiv and its visitors. Owner is the Bulgarian firm “Horeca Plovdiv”Ltd. The attractive and thematic restaurant is located on The Main Street right across the fountain with pelicans in front of the Municipality. The building was built in 1923 and is a cultural monument with very attractive architecture, high 6-foot ceilings with ornaments and figures. The sculpture of titan Atlas is fully restored. On top of the western facade of the building he is proudly brought to The Main Street with renovated forces, supporting the world on his shoulders.
For the first time in Bulgaria company "Horeca Plovdiv" Ltd is implementing a project for permanent installation of 3D mapping recognized by international experts in this field. That is not the firm only project. The garden restaurant “Le petit Paris” on “Mladejka”str. with its 7-foot Eifel Tower, combining the spirit of France and taste of Bulgarian cuisine is now one of the favorite places in Plovdiv.
For their second project “Horeca Plovdiv”Ltd. are preparing to impress the citizens. The serious and responsible behavior of the investors can be judged by the 6 months restoration of the building. The complex consists of restaurant, hotel and hall for wine tasting. On the first floor awaits bar, bathed in warm light of onyx stone, preserved and restored brick wall and exquisite ebony columns reminiscent of the aesthetics of the past and originality of the future. The floors are completely covered with thick carpet to complement the cozy atmosphere, separate from the delicate interior and enriched by the frescoes of Alphonse Mucha and designer lighting.
On the second floor of the restaurant is presented the essence of the 3D mapping. The 6-meter walls come alive through scenic, artistic animations creeping on the curves of architectural ornamentation of the hall. Customers will be able to see blazing fire scorching the walls until their destruction, or the rush of a giant wave of the ocean. The atmosphere will be filled with adventure, historical and thematic emotions and pictures. On this floor the guests of restaurant “Atlas” can see ancient history of Plovdiv.
By high technological advances of the digital era, visitors will feel a real celebration of the senses, combining an unforgettable experience and opportunities for culinary harmony of rich flavors of traditional Bulgarian and European cuisine. The temptations of the kitchen are work of world famous chef ant his team of professionals. A worldwide selection of fine wines is available in the restaurant. Accent in the wine list will be quality wines, particularly those produced in the region with a tradition in winemaking. While enjoying specialties of the restaurant, the guests will witness photorealistic scenes from the rich and ancient history of the Thracians inhabiting our land more than eight thousand years. The visual masterpieces are work of Bulgarian specialists in the field of cutting-edge 3D mapping. The technology is subordinated of demanding customers taste. Meanwhile a beautiful white piano will return us to the acoustic environment of smoot jazz and pop music.
The newest restaurant in Plovdiv - "Atlas" gives us a request for a unique and evocative experience.