This week in Plovdiv we'll do arts and crafts and we'll listen to lots of rock

25th June

Week of Crafts 2018

In the last week of the month masters from all over the country will be gathering in the yard of the Ethnographic Museum. They will demonstrate their craft to show us their skills and to prove that the traditions are alive in our country.

There will be artists from different fields of craftsmanship - knives, guns, coppers, jewelers, masters of musical instruments, weavers, woodcutters, woodcarvers, felting, dolls, painted silk, painted eggs, stained glass, lace, knitting, and others.

This week will pass under the motto "Continuity" because it is most important for a master to hand over the craft, and how will this happen if we do not show or ignite the creative spark in the children themselves.

Like every year, guests and tourists in the museum will see craft demonstrations and will be able to get involved in making their own products. With dances and songs, they will immerse themselves in the Revival spirit of Kuyumdzhiev's house and yard. Folklore Dance Ensemble "Zagorovche" with artistic director Yordan Zelengorov will take care of the good mood on the opening day, Tuesday, and for Petrovden. The noise and creative vanity will bring guests to the charshia in the nineteenth century, and the celebration of Petroven will positively impact their emotions for weeks ahead.

The museum doors will be open from 9 am to 6 pm. The official opening will take place on June 26 (Tuesday) at 11.30 am.

Ethnographic Museum
9 am

27th June

Other music

The Other Music team (also known as "those boneheads who are at the foosball table all night") invites you to a first-of-its-kind event in rock bar Download with music we usually don’t listen to in the bar. We'll go through all sorts of heavy styles, from post-rock through hardcore to sludge and everything in-between and even a little synthwave. They will deliberately save the clichés.

Rock Bar Download
8 pm

Wednesday Rock Night

Fabric bar invites all lovers of old rock, blues and heavy metal. From Beatles and Rowling Stones to Pantera, AC DC, Slayer, and why not something of your choice! The host will be Joro the Beatles, and Petar Toskov and Dream Theater will take part!

Fabric bar
7 pm

28th June

Aw(E)are / First workshop / Awareness

Aw(E)are, by the Italian Gommalacca Teatro theater company, is a multidisciplinary project aimed at creating theatre for young people from Stolipinovo and other areas of Plovdiv. Aw(E)are and the accompanying activities are part of the artistic programme of Municipal Foundation Plovdiv 2019 in the implementation of the initiative #EuropeanCapitalofCulture.

A stimulating work on boundaries and imagination of "free zones" that will measure the non-formal method of work of the company Gommalacca Teatro, structured on a pedagogical approach to the scene and contamination with visual arts, together with project partners Plovdiv 2019 ECOC , IAC - Centro Arti Integrate of Matera and the Bulgarian Association Youth Roma Club Asen Karagyozov in Stolipinovo.


10.00 -13.00
Exploratory walk guided by participants.

16.00 -19.00
Workshop with young people from various parts of the city.

SKLAD in Tobacco city
10 am